I.MX6 U-boot lvds display hacking
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/*********************************************************************************** *                    I.MX6 U-boot lvds display hacking * 声明: *   本文主要是为了跟踪I.MX6中的U-boot中显示部分代码,查看是否支持24bit显示。 * *                                           2015-10-8 晴 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 **********************************************************************************/                                                                                                    cat cpu/arm_cortexa8/start.S                                                                            .globl _start                                                                                       _start: b   reset          ---------------------------+                                                 ldr pc, _undefined_instruction                    |                                                 ldr pc, _software_interrupt                       |                                                 ldr pc, _prefetch_abort                           |                                                 ldr pc, _data_abort                               |                                                 ldr pc, _not_used                                 |                                                 ldr pc, _irq                                      |                                                 ldr pc, _fiq                                      |                                                                                                   |                                             _undefined_instruction: .word undefined_instruction   |                                             _software_interrupt:    .word software_interrupt      |                                             _prefetch_abort:    .word prefetch_abort              |                                             _data_abort:        .word data_abort                  |                                             _not_used:      .word not_used                        |                                             _irq:           .word irq                             |                                             _fiq:           .word fiq                             |                                                                                                   |                                         cat cpu/arm_cortexa8/start.S                              |                                             /*                                                    |                                              * the actual reset code                              |                                              */                                                   |                                                                                                   |                                             reset:                     <--------------------------+                                                 /*                                                                                                   * set the cpu to SVC32 mode                                                                         */                                                                                                 mrs    r0, cpsr                                                                                     bic    r0, r0, #0x1f                                                                                orr    r0, r0, #0xd3                                                                                msr    cpsr,r0                                                                                                                                                                                      #if (CONFIG_OMAP34XX)                                                                                   /* Copy vectors to mask ROM indirect addr */                                                        adr    r0, _start        @ r0 <- current position of code                                           add    r0, r0, #4        @ skip reset vector                                                        mov    r2, #64            @ r2 <- size to copy                                                      add    r2, r0, r2        @ r2 <- source end address                                                 mov    r1, #SRAM_OFFSET0    @ build vect addr                                                       mov    r3, #SRAM_OFFSET1                                                                            add    r1, r1, r3                                                                                   mov    r3, #SRAM_OFFSET2                                                                            add    r1, r1, r3                                                                               next:                                                                                                   ldmia    r0!, {r3 - r10}        @ copy from source address [r0]                                     stmia    r1!, {r3 - r10}        @ copy to   target address [r1]                                     cmp    r0, r2            @ until source end address [r2]                                            bne    next            @ loop until equal */                                                    #if !defined(CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BOOT) && !defined(CONFIG_SYS_ONENAND_BOOT)                                 /* No need to copy/exec the clock code - DPLL adjust already done                                    * in NAND/oneNAND Boot.                                                                             */                                                                                                 bl    cpy_clk_code        @ put dpll adjust code behind vectors                                 #endif /* NAND Boot */                                                                              #endif                                                                                                  /* the mask ROM code should have PLL and others stable */                                       #ifndef CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT                                                                       bl    cpu_init_crit                                                                             #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                  #ifndef CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT                                                                  relocate:               @ relocate U-Boot to RAM                                                        adr r0, _start      @ r0 <- current position of code                                                ldr r1, _TEXT_BASE      @ test if we run from flash or RAM                                          cmp r0, r1          @ don't reloc during debug                                                      beq stack_setup                                                                                                                                                                                         ldr r2, _armboot_start                                                                              ldr r3, _bss_start                                                                                  sub r2, r3, r2      @ r2 <- size of armboot                                                         add r2, r0, r2      @ r2 <- source end address                                                                                                                                                      copy_loop:              @ copy 32 bytes at a time                                                       ldmia   r0!, {r3 - r10}     @ copy from source address [r0]                                         stmia   r1!, {r3 - r10}     @ copy to   target address [r1]                                         cmp r0, r2          @ until source end addreee [r2]                                                 ble copy_loop                                                                                   #endif  /* CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT */                                                                                                                                                                stack_setup:                                                                                            ldr r0, _TEXT_BASE      @ upper 128 KiB: relocated uboot                                            sub r0, r0, #CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN @ malloc area                                                    sub r0, r0, #CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_SIZE @ bdinfo                                                  #ifdef CONFIG_USE_IRQ                                                                                   sub r0, r0, #(CONFIG_STACKSIZE_IRQ + CONFIG_STACKSIZE_FIQ)                                      #endif                                                                                                  sub sp, r0, #12     @ leave 3 words for abort-stack                                                 and sp, sp, #~7     @ 8 byte alinged for (ldr/str)d                                                                                                                                                     /* Clear BSS (if any). Is below tx (watch load addr - need space) */                            clear_bss:                                                                                              ldr r0, _bss_start      @ find start of bss segment                                                 ldr r1, _bss_end        @ stop here                                                                 mov r2, #0x00000000     @ clear value                                                           clbss_l:                                                                                                str r2, [r0]        @ clear BSS location                                                            cmp r0, r1          @ are we at the end yet                                                         add r0, r0, #4      @ increment clear index pointer                                                 bne clbss_l         @ keep clearing till at end                                                                                                                                                     #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_MMU                                                                                  bl board_mmu_init                                                                               #endif                                                                                                  ldr pc, _start_armboot  @ jump to C code              -------+                                                                                                   |                                  _start_armboot: .word start_armboot          ---------+   <------+                                                                                        |                                         cat lib_arm/board.c                                       |                                             void start_armboot (void)                    <--------+                                            {                                                                                                       init_fnc_t **init_fnc_ptr;                                                                          char *s;                                                                                        #if defined(CONFIG_VFD) || defined(CONFIG_LCD)                                                          unsigned long addr;                                                                             #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                      /* Pointer is writable since we allocated a register for it */                                      gd = (gd_t*)(_armboot_start - CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN - sizeof(gd_t));                                /* compiler optimization barrier needed for GCC >= 3.4 */                                           __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");                                                                                                                                                                  memset ((void*)gd, 0, sizeof (gd_t));                                                               gd->bd = (bd_t*)((char*)gd - sizeof(bd_t));                                                         memset (gd->bd, 0, sizeof (bd_t));                                                                                                                                                                      gd->flags |= GD_FLG_RELOC;                                                                                                                                                                              monitor_flash_len = _bss_start - _armboot_start;                                                                                                                                                        for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; *init_fnc_ptr; ++init_fnc_ptr) {                                     if ((*init_fnc_ptr)() != 0) {                                                                           hang ();                                                                                        }                                                                                               }                                                                                                                                                                                                       /* armboot_start is defined in the board-specific linker script */                                  mem_malloc_init (_armboot_start - CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN);                                                                                                                                           #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_NO_FLASH                                                                             /* configure available FLASH banks */                                                               display_flash_config (flash_init ());                                                           #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_NO_FLASH */                                                                                                                                                                        #ifdef CONFIG_VFD                                                                                   #ifndef PAGE_SIZE                                                                                   #define PAGE_SIZE 4096                                                                              #endif                                                                                                  /*                                                                                                   * reserve memory for VFD display (always full pages)                                                */                                                                                                 /* bss_end is defined in the board-specific linker script */                                        addr = (_bss_end + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);                                             vfd_setmem (addr);                                                                                  gd->fb_base = addr;                                                                             #endif /* CONFIG_VFD */                                                                                                                                                                                 #ifdef CONFIG_LCD                                                                                       /* board init may have inited fb_base */                                                            if (!gd->fb_base) {                                                                             #ifndef PAGE_SIZE                                                                                   #define PAGE_SIZE 4096                                                                              #endif                                                                                                      /*                                                                                                   * reserve memory for LCD display (always full pages)                                                */                                                                                                 /* bss_end is defined in the board-specific linker script */                                        addr = (_bss_end + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);                                             lcd_setmem (addr);                                                                                  gd->fb_base = addr;                                                                             }                                                                                               #endif /* CONFIG_LCD */                                                                                                                                                                                 #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)                                                                            puts ("NAND:  ");                                                                                   nand_init();        /* go init the NAND */                                                      #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                  #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_ONENAND)                                                                         onenand_init();                                                                                 #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                  #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_DATAFLASH                                                                             AT91F_DataflashInit();                                                                              dataflash_print_info();                                                                         #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                  #ifdef CONFIG_GENERIC_MMC                                                                               puts ("MMC:   ");                                                                                   mmc_initialize (gd->bd);                                                                        #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                      /* initialize environment */                                                                        env_relocate ();                                                                                                                                                                                    #ifdef CONFIG_VFD                                                                                       /* must do this after the framebuffer is allocated */                                               drv_vfd_init();                                                                                 #endif /* CONFIG_VFD */                                                                                                                                                                                 #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_MULTI                                                                              serial_initialize();                                                                            #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                      /* IP Address */                                                                                    gd->bd->bi_ip_addr = getenv_IPaddr ("ipaddr");                                                                                                                                                      #if defined CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN && defined CONFIG_VIDEO_MX5                                            setup_splash_image();                                                                           #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                      stdio_init ();    /* get the devices list going. */   -------------------+                                                                                                   |                          jumptable_init ();                                                       |                                                                                                   |                      #if defined(CONFIG_API)                                                      |                          /* Initialize API */                                                     |                          api_init ();                                                             |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                          console_init_r ();    /* fully init console as a device */               |                                                                                                   |                      #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MISC_INIT)                                           |                          /* miscellaneous arch dependent initialisations */                       |                          arch_misc_init ();                                                       |                      #endif                                                                       |                      #if defined(CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R)                                              |                          /* miscellaneous platform dependent initialisations */                   |                          misc_init_r ();                                                          |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                          /* enable exceptions */                                                  |                          enable_interrupts ();                                                    |                                                                                                   |                          /* Perform network card initialisation if necessary */                   |                      #ifdef CONFIG_DRIVER_TI_EMAC                                                 |                          /* XXX: this needs to be moved to board init */                          |                      extern void davinci_eth_set_mac_addr (const u_int8_t *addr);                 |                          if (getenv ("ethaddr")) {                                                |                              uchar enetaddr[6];                                                   |                              eth_getenv_enetaddr("ethaddr", enetaddr);                            |                              davinci_eth_set_mac_addr(enetaddr);                                  |                          }                                                                        |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                      #ifdef CONFIG_DRIVER_CS8900                                                  |                          /* XXX: this needs to be moved to board init */                          |                          cs8900_get_enetaddr ();                                                  |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                      #if defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_SMC91111) || defined (CONFIG_DRIVER_LAN91C96)      |                          /* XXX: this needs to be moved to board init */                          |                          if (getenv ("ethaddr")) {                                                |                              uchar enetaddr[6];                                                   |                              eth_getenv_enetaddr("ethaddr", enetaddr);                            |                              smc_set_mac_addr(enetaddr);                                          |                          }                                                                        |                      #endif /* CONFIG_DRIVER_SMC91111 || CONFIG_DRIVER_LAN91C96 */                |                                                                                                   |                      #if defined(CONFIG_ENC28J60_ETH) && !defined(CONFIG_ETHADDR)                 |                          extern void enc_set_mac_addr (void);                                     |                          enc_set_mac_addr ();                                                     |                      #endif /* CONFIG_ENC28J60_ETH && !CONFIG_ETHADDR*/                           |                                                                                                   |                          /* Initialize from environment */                                        |                          if ((s = getenv ("loadaddr")) != NULL) {                                 |                              load_addr = simple_strtoul (s, NULL, 16);                            |                          }                                                                        |                      #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET)                                                  |                          if ((s = getenv ("bootfile")) != NULL) {                                 |                              copy_filename (BootFile, s, sizeof (BootFile));                      |                          }                                                                        |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                      #ifdef BOARD_LATE_INIT                                                       |                          board_late_init ();                                                      |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                      #ifdef CONFIG_ANDROID_RECOVERY                                               |                          check_recovery_mode();                                                   |                      #endif                                                                       |                                                                                                   |                      #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET)                                                  |                      #if defined(CONFIG_NET_MULTI)                                                |                          puts ("Net:   ");                                                        |                      #endif                                                                       |                          eth_initialize(gd->bd);                                                  |                      #if defined(CONFIG_RESET_PHY_R)                                              |                          debug ("Reset Ethernet PHY\n");                                          |                          reset_phy();                                                             |                      #endif                                                                       |                      #endif                                                                       |                      #ifdef CONFIG_FASTBOOT                                                       |                          check_fastboot_mode();                                                   |                      #endif                                                                       |                          /* main_loop() can return to retry autoboot, if so just run it again. */ |                          for (;;) {                                                               |                              main_loop ();                                                        |                          }                                                                        |                                                                                                   |                          /* NOTREACHED - no way out of command loop except booting */             |                      }                                                                            |                                                                                                   |                  cat common/stdio.c                                                               |                      int stdio_init (void)                    <-----------------------------------+                      {                                                                                                   #ifndef CONFIG_ARM    /* already relocated for current ARM implementation */                            ulong relocation_offset = gd->reloc_off;                                                            int i;                                                                                                                                                                                                  /* relocate device name pointers */                                                                 for (i = 0; i < (sizeof (stdio_names) / sizeof (char *)); ++i) {                                        stdio_names[i] = (char *) (((ulong) stdio_names[i]) +                                                               relocation_offset);                                                             }                                                                                               #endif                                                                                                                                                                                                      /* Initialize the list */                                                                           INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(devs.list));                                                                                                                                                                       #ifdef CONFIG_ARM_DCC_MULTI                                                                             drv_arm_dcc_init ();                                                                            #endif                                                                                              #if defined(CONFIG_HARD_I2C) || defined(CONFIG_SOFT_I2C)                                                i2c_init (CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SLAVE);                                          #endif                                                                                              #ifdef CONFIG_LCD                                                                                       drv_lcd_init ();                     ----------------------------------+                        #endif                                                                     |                        #if defined(CONFIG_VIDEO) || defined(CONFIG_CFB_CONSOLE)                   |                            drv_video_init ();                                                     |                        #endif                                                                     |                        #ifdef CONFIG_KEYBOARD                                                     |                            drv_keyboard_init ();                                                  |                        #endif                                                                     |                        #ifdef CONFIG_LOGBUFFER                                                    |                            drv_logbuff_init ();                                                   |                        #endif                                                                     |                            drv_system_init ();                                                    |                        #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_MULTI                                                 |                            serial_stdio_init ();                                                  |                        #endif                                                                     |                        #ifdef CONFIG_USB_TTY                                                      |                            drv_usbtty_init ();                                                    |                        #endif                                                                     |                        #ifdef CONFIG_NETCONSOLE                                                   |                            drv_nc_init ();                                                        |                        #endif                                                                     |                        #ifdef CONFIG_JTAG_CONSOLE                                                 |                            drv_jtag_console_init ();                                              |                        #endif                                                                     |                                                                                                   |                            return (0);                                                            |                        }                                                                          |                                                                                                   |                    cat common/stdio.c                                                             |                        int drv_lcd_init (void)                    <-------------------------------+                        {                                                                                                       struct stdio_dev lcddev;                                                                            int rc;                                                                                                                                                                                                 lcd_base = (void *)(gd->fb_base);                                                                                                                                                                       lcd_line_length = (panel_info.vl_col * NBITS (panel_info.vl_bpix)) / 8;                                                                                                                                 lcd_init (lcd_base);        /* LCD initialization */        ----------+                                                                                                   |                             /* Device initialization */                                           |                             memset (&lcddev, 0, sizeof (lcddev));                                 |                                                                                                   |                             strcpy (lcddev.name, "lcd");                                          |                             lcddev.ext   = 0;           /* No extensions */                       |                             lcddev.flags = DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT;    /* Output only */                 |                             lcddev.putc  = lcd_putc;        /* 'putc' function */                 |                             lcddev.puts  = lcd_puts;        /* 'puts' function */                 |                                                                                                   |                             rc = stdio_register (&lcddev);                                        |                                                                                                   |                             return (rc == 0) ? 1 : rc;                                            |                         }                                                                         |                                                                                                   |                     cat common/lcd.c                                                              |                         static int lcd_init (void *lcdbase)                   <-------------------+                         {                                                                                                       /* Initialize the lcd controller */                                                                 debug ("[LCD] Initializing LCD frambuffer at %p\n", lcdbase);                                                                                                                                           lcd_ctrl_init (lcdbase);                                                                            lcd_is_enabled = 1;                                                                                 lcd_clear (NULL, 1, 1, NULL);   /* dummy args */  -------------+                                    lcd_enable ();                                    -------------*---------------+                                                                                   |               |                    /* Initialize the console */                                   |               |                    console_col = 0;                                               |               |                #ifdef CONFIG_LCD_INFO_BELOW_LOGO                                  |               |                    console_row = 7 + BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT / VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;         |               |                #else                                                              |               |                    console_row = 1;    /* leave 1 blank line below logo */        |               |                #endif                                                             |               |                                                                                   |               |                    return 0;                                                      |               |                }                +-------------------------------------------------+               |                                 |                                                                 |            cat common/lcd.c     V                                                                 |                static int lcd_clear (cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])         |                {                                                                                  |                #if LCD_BPP == LCD_MONOCHROME                                                      |                    /* Setting the palette */                                                      |                    lcd_initcolregs();                                                             |                                                                                                   |                #elif LCD_BPP == LCD_COLOR8                                                        |                    /* Setting the palette */                                                      |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_BLACK,       0,    0,    0);                     |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_RED,    0xFF,    0,    0);                       |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_GREEN,       0, 0xFF,    0);                     |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_YELLOW,    0xFF, 0xFF,    0);                    |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_BLUE,        0,    0, 0xFF);                     |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_MAGENTA,    0xFF,    0, 0xFF);                   |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_CYAN,       0, 0xFF, 0xFF);                      |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_GREY,    0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA);                      |                    lcd_setcolreg  (CONSOLE_COLOR_WHITE,    0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);                     |                #endif                                                                             |                                                                                                   |                #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_WHITE_ON_BLACK                                                  |                    lcd_setfgcolor (CONSOLE_COLOR_BLACK);                                          |                    lcd_setbgcolor (CONSOLE_COLOR_WHITE);                                          |                #else                                                                              |                    lcd_setfgcolor (CONSOLE_COLOR_WHITE);                                          |                    lcd_setbgcolor (CONSOLE_COLOR_BLACK);                                          |                #endif    /* CONFIG_SYS_WHITE_ON_BLACK */                                          |                                                                                                   |                #ifdef    LCD_TEST_PATTERN                                                         |                    test_pattern();                                                                |                #else                                                                              |                    /* set framebuffer to background color */                                      |                    memset ((char *)lcd_base,                                                      |                        COLOR_MASK(lcd_getbgcolor()),                                              |                        lcd_line_length*panel_info.vl_row);                                        |                #endif                                                                             |                    /* Paint the logo and retrieve LCD base address */                             |                    debug ("[LCD] Drawing the logo...\n");                                         |                    lcd_console_address = lcd_logo ();   --------+                                 |                                                                 |                                 |                    console_col = 0;                             |                                 |                    console_row = 0;                             |                                 |                                                                 |                                 |                    return (0);                                  |                                 |                }                                                |                                 |                                                                 |                                 |            cat common/lcd.c                                     |                                 |                static void *lcd_logo (void)         <-----------+                                 |                {                                                                                  |                #ifdef CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN                                                        |                    char *s;                                                                       |                    ulong addr;                                                                    |                    static int do_splash = 1;                                                      |                                                                                                   |                    // get the "splashimage=0x30000000\0"                                          |                    if (do_splash && (s = getenv("splashimage")) != NULL) {                        |                        int x = 0, y = 0;                                                          |                        do_splash = 0;                                                             |                                                                                                   |                        // get the image address                                                   |                        addr = simple_strtoul (s, NULL, 16);                                       |                                                                                                   |                #ifdef CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN                                                  |                        // get the "splashpos=m,m\0"                                               |                        if ((s = getenv ("splashpos")) != NULL) {                                  |                            // the first position x and y, default was center                      |                            if (s[0] == 'm')                                                       |                                x = BMP_ALIGN_CENTER;                                              |                            else                                                                   |                                x = simple_strtol (s, NULL, 0);                                    |                                                                                                   |                            if ((s = strchr (s + 1, ',')) != NULL) {                               |                                if (s[1] == 'm')                                                   |                                    y = BMP_ALIGN_CENTER;                                          |                                else                                                               |                                    y = simple_strtol (s + 1, NULL, 0);                            |                            }                                                                      |                        }                                                                          |                #endif /* CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN */                                            |                                                                                                   |                #ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_BMP_GZIP                                                       |                        // get the image struct                                                    |                        bmp_image_t *bmp = (bmp_image_t *)addr;                                    |                        unsigned long len;                                                         |                                                                                                   |                        if (!((bmp->header.signature[0]=='B') &&                                   |                              (bmp->header.signature[1]=='M'))) {                                  |                            addr = (ulong)gunzip_bmp(addr, &len);                                  |                        }                                                                          |                #endif                                                                             |                        /**                                                                        |                         * We currently offer uboot boot picture size is 800*480,                  |                          * so the picture do not need to be offset ,                              |                         * just let x and y equal to zero that drawing picture at top left corner  |                         *                 write by zengjf    2015/4/8                             |                         */                                                                        |                        x = 0;                                                                     |                          y = 0;                                                                   |                                                                                                   |                                                                                                   |                        if (lcd_display_bitmap (addr, x, y) == 0) {       -------------------+     |                            return ((void *)lcd_base);                                       |     |                        }                                                                    |     |                    }                                                                        |     |                #endif /* CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN */                                            |     |                                                                                             |     |                #ifdef CONFIG_LCD_LOGO                                                       |     |                    bitmap_plot (0, 0);                                                      |     |                #endif /* CONFIG_LCD_LOGO */                                                 |     |                                                                                             |     |                #ifdef CONFIG_LCD_INFO                                                       |     |                    console_col = LCD_INFO_X / VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH;                             |     |                    console_row = LCD_INFO_Y / VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;                            |     |                    lcd_show_board_info();                                                   |     |                #endif /* CONFIG_LCD_INFO */                                                 |     |                                                                                             |     |                #if defined(CONFIG_LCD_LOGO) && !defined(CONFIG_LCD_INFO_BELOW_LOGO)         |     |                    return ((void *)((ulong)lcd_base + BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT * lcd_line_length));  |     |                #else                                                                        |     |                    return ((void *)lcd_base);                                               |     |                #endif /* CONFIG_LCD_LOGO && !CONFIG_LCD_INFO_BELOW_LOGO */                  |     |                }                                                                            |     |                                                                                             |     |            cat common/lcd.c                                                                 |     |                int lcd_display_bitmap(ulong bmp_image, int x, int y)     <------------------+     |                {                                                                                  |                #if !defined(CONFIG_MCC200)                                                        |                    ushort *cmap = NULL;                                                           |                #endif                                                                             |                    ushort *cmap_base = NULL;                                                      |                    ushort i, j;                                                                   |                    uchar *fb;                                                                     |                    bmp_image_t *bmp=(bmp_image_t *)bmp_image;                                     |                    uchar *bmap;                                                                   |                    ushort padded_line;                                                            |                    unsigned long width, height, byte_width;                                       |                    unsigned long pwidth = panel_info.vl_col;                                      |                    unsigned colors, bpix, bmp_bpix;                                               |                    unsigned long compression;                                                     |                #if defined(CONFIG_PXA250)                                                         |                    struct pxafb_info *fbi = &panel_info.pxa;                                      |                #elif defined(CONFIG_MPC823)                                                       |                    volatile immap_t *immr = (immap_t *) CONFIG_SYS_IMMR;                          |                    volatile cpm8xx_t *cp = &(immr->im_cpm);                                       |                #endif                                                                             |                                                                                                   |                    if (!((bmp->header.signature[0]=='B') &&                                       |                        (bmp->header.signature[1]=='M'))) {                                        |                        printf ("Error: no valid bmp image at %lx\n", bmp_image);                  |                        return 1;                                                                  |                    }                                                                              |                                                                                                   |                    width = le32_to_cpu (bmp->header.width);                                       |                    height = le32_to_cpu (bmp->header.height);                                     |                    bmp_bpix = le16_to_cpu(bmp->header.bit_count);                                 |                    colors = 1 << bmp_bpix;                                                        |                    compression = le32_to_cpu (bmp->header.compression);                           |                                                                                                   |                    bpix = NBITS(panel_info.vl_bpix);                                              |                                                                                                   |                    if ((bpix != 1) && (bpix != 8) && (bpix != 16) && (bpix != 24)) {              |                        printf ("Error: %d bit/pixel mode, but BMP has %d bit/pixel\n",            |                            bpix, bmp_bpix);                                                       |                        return 1;                                                                  |                    }                                                                              |                                                                                                   |                #if defined(CONFIG_BMP_24BPP)                                                      |                    /* We support displaying 24bpp BMPs on 16bpp LCDs */                           |                    if (bpix != bmp_bpix && (bmp_bpix != 24 || bpix != 16) &&                      |                        (bmp_bpix != 8 || bpix != 16)) {                                           |                #else                                                                              |                    /* We support displaying 8bpp BMPs on 16bpp LCDs */                            |                    if (bpix != bmp_bpix && (bmp_bpix != 8 || bpix != 16)) {                       |                #endif                                                                             |                        printf ("Error: %d bit/pixel mode, but BMP has %d bit/pixel\n",            |                            bpix,                                                                  |                            le16_to_cpu(bmp->header.bit_count));                                   |                        return 1;                                                                  |                    }                                                                              |                                                                                                   |                    debug ("Display-bmp: %d x %d  with %d colors\n",                               |                        (int)width, (int)height, (int)colors);                                     |                                                                                                   |                #if !defined(CONFIG_MCC200)                                                        |                    /* MCC200 LCD doesn't need CMAP, supports 1bpp b&w only */                     |                    if (bmp_bpix == 8) {                                                           |                #if defined(CONFIG_PXA250)                                                         |                        cmap = (ushort *)fbi->palette;                                             |                #elif defined(CONFIG_MPC823)                                                       |                        cmap = (ushort *)&(cp->lcd_cmap[255*sizeof(ushort)]);                      |                #elif !defined(CONFIG_ATMEL_LCD)                                                   |                        cmap = panel_info.cmap;                                                    |                #endif                                                                             |                        cmap_base = cmap;                                                          |                                                                                                   |                        /* Set color map */                                                        |                        for (i=0; i
color_table[i]; | #if !defined(CONFIG_ATMEL_LCD) | ushort colreg = | ( ((cte.red) << 8) & 0xf800) | | ( ((cte.green) << 3) & 0x07e0) | | ( ((cte.blue) >> 3) & 0x001f) ; | #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_INVERT_COLORS | *cmap = 0xffff - colreg; | #else | *cmap = colreg; | #endif | #if defined(CONFIG_MPC823) | cmap--; | #else | cmap++; | #endif | #else /* CONFIG_ATMEL_LCD */ | lcd_setcolreg(i, cte.red, cte.green, cte.blue); | #endif | } | } | #endif | | /* | * BMP format for Monochrome assumes that the state of a | * pixel is described on a per Bit basis, not per Byte. | * So, in case of Monochrome BMP we should align widths | * on a byte boundary and convert them from Bit to Byte | * units. | * Probably, PXA250 and MPC823 process 1bpp BMP images in | * their own ways, so make the converting to be MCC200 | * specific. | */ | #if defined(CONFIG_MCC200) | if (bpix==1) | { | width = ((width + 7) & ~7) >> 3; | x = ((x + 7) & ~7) >> 3; | pwidth= ((pwidth + 7) & ~7) >> 3; | } | #endif | padded_line = (width&0x3) ? ((width&~0x3)+4) : (width); | #ifdef CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN | if (x == BMP_ALIGN_CENTER) | x = max(0, (pwidth - width) / 2); | else if (x < 0) | x = max(0, pwidth - width + x + 1); | | if (y == BMP_ALIGN_CENTER) | y = max(0, (panel_info.vl_row - height) / 2); | else if (y < 0) | y = max(0, panel_info.vl_row - height + y + 1); | #endif /* CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN */ | | if ((x + width)>pwidth) | width = pwidth - x; | if ((y + height)>panel_info.vl_row) | height = panel_info.vl_row - y; | | bmap = (uchar *)bmp + le32_to_cpu (bmp->header.data_offset); | fb = (uchar *) (lcd_base + | (y + height - 1) * lcd_line_length + x * bpix / 8); | | switch (bmp_bpix) { | case 1: /* pass through */ | case 8: | if (bpix != 16) | byte_width = width; | else | byte_width = width * 2; | | for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) { | WATCHDOG_RESET(); | for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { | if (bpix != 16) { | #if defined(CONFIG_PXA250) || defined(CONFIG_ATMEL_LCD) | *(fb++) = *(bmap++); | #elif defined(CONFIG_MPC823) || defined(CONFIG_MCC200) | *(fb++) = 255 - *(bmap++); | #endif | } else { | *(uint16_t *)fb = cmap_base[*(bmap++)]; | fb += sizeof(uint16_t) / sizeof(*fb); | } | } | bmap += (width - padded_line); | fb -= (byte_width + lcd_line_length); | } | break; | | #if defined(CONFIG_BMP_16BPP) | case 16: | for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) { | WATCHDOG_RESET(); | for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { | #if defined(CONFIG_ATMEL_LCD_BGR555) | *(fb++) = ((bmap[0] & 0x1f) << 2) | | (bmap[1] & 0x03); | *(fb++) = (bmap[0] & 0xe0) | | ((bmap[1] & 0x7c) >> 2); | bmap += 2; | #else | *(fb++) = *(bmap++); | *(fb++) = *(bmap++); | #endif | } | bmap += (padded_line - width) * 2; | fb -= (width * 2 + lcd_line_length); | } | break; | #endif /* CONFIG_BMP_16BPP */ | #if defined(CONFIG_BMP_24BPP) | case 24: | if (bpix != 16) { | printf("Error: %d bit/pixel mode," | "but BMP has %d bit/pixel\n", | bpix, bmp_bpix); | break; | } | for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) { | WATCHDOG_RESET(); | for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { | *(uint16_t *)fb = ((*(bmap + 2) << 8) & 0xf800) | | ((*(bmap + 1) << 3) & 0x07e0) | | ((*(bmap) >> 3) & 0x001f); | bmap += 3; | fb += sizeof(uint16_t) / sizeof(*fb); | } | bmap += (width - padded_line); | fb -= ((2*width) + lcd_line_length); | } | break; | #endif /* CONFIG_BMP_24BPP */ | default: | break; | }; | | return (0); | } | #endif | | cat board/freescale/mx6q_sabresd/mx6q_sabresd.c | ...... | #ifndef CONFIG_MXC_EPDC | #ifdef CONFIG_LCD | void lcd_enable(void) <------------------------------------------------+ { char *s; int ret; unsigned int reg; s = getenv("lvds_num"); di = simple_strtol(s, NULL, 10); /* * hw_rev 2: IPUV3DEX * hw_rev 3: IPUV3M * hw_rev 4: IPUV3H */ g_ipu_hw_rev = IPUV3_HW_REV_IPUV3H; /** * zengjf modify don't show uboot logo */ imx_pwm_config(pwm0, 25000, 50000); imx_pwm_enable(pwm0); #if defined CONFIG_MX6Q /* PWM backlight */ mxc_iomux_v3_setup_pad(MX6Q_PAD_SD1_DAT3__PWM1_PWMO); /* LVDS panel CABC_EN0 */ //mxc_iomux_v3_setup_pad(MX6Q_PAD_NANDF_CS2__GPIO_6_15); /* LVDS panel CABC_EN1 */ //mxc_iomux_v3_setup_pad(MX6Q_PAD_NANDF_CS3__GPIO_6_16); #elif defined CONFIG_MX6DL /* PWM backlight */ mxc_iomux_v3_setup_pad(MX6DL_PAD_SD1_DAT3__PWM1_PWMO); /* LVDS panel CABC_EN0 */ //mxc_iomux_v3_setup_pad(MX6DL_PAD_NANDF_CS2__GPIO_6_15); /* LVDS panel CABC_EN1 */ //mxc_iomux_v3_setup_pad(MX6DL_PAD_NANDF_CS3__GPIO_6_16); #endif /* * Set LVDS panel CABC_EN0 to low to disable * CABC function. This function will turn backlight * automatically according to display content, so * simply disable it to get rid of annoying unstable * backlight phenomena. */ /* reg = readl(GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_GDIR); reg |= (1 << 15); writel(reg, GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_GDIR); reg = readl(GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_DR); reg &= ~(1 << 15); writel(reg, GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_DR); */ /* * Set LVDS panel CABC_EN1 to low to disable * CABC function. */ /* reg = readl(GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_GDIR); reg |= (1 << 16); writel(reg, GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_GDIR); reg = readl(GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_DR); reg &= ~(1 << 16); writel(reg, GPIO6_BASE_ADDR + GPIO_DR); */ /* Disable ipu1_clk/ipu1_di_clk_x/ldb_dix_clk. */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CCGR3); reg &= ~0xC033; writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CCGR3); #if defined CONFIG_MX6Q /* * Align IPU1 HSP clock and IPU1 DIx pixel clock * with kernel setting to avoid screen flick when * booting into kernel. Developer should change * the relevant setting if kernel setting changes. * IPU1 HSP clock tree: * osc_clk(24M)->pll2_528_bus_main_clk(528M)-> * periph_clk(528M)->mmdc_ch0_axi_clk(528M)-> * ipu1_clk(264M) */ /* pll2_528_bus_main_clk */ /* divider */ writel(0x1, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x34); /* periph_clk */ /* source */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CBCMR); reg &= ~(0x3 << 18); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CBCMR); reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CBCDR); reg &= ~(0x1 << 25); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CBCDR); /* * Check PERIPH_CLK_SEL_BUSY in * MXC_CCM_CDHIPR register. */ do { udelay(5); reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CDHIPR); } while (reg & (0x1 << 5)); /* mmdc_ch0_axi_clk */ /* divider */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CBCDR); reg &= ~(0x7 << 19); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CBCDR); /* * Check MMDC_CH0PODF_BUSY in * MXC_CCM_CDHIPR register. */ do { udelay(5); reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CDHIPR); } while (reg & (0x1 << 4)); /* ipu1_clk */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCDR3); /* source */ reg &= ~(0x3 << 9); /* divider */ reg &= ~(0x7 << 11); reg |= (0x1 << 11); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCDR3); /* * ipu1_pixel_clk_x clock tree: * osc_clk(24M)->pll2_528_bus_main_clk(528M)-> * pll2_pfd_352M(452.57M)->ldb_dix_clk(64.65M)-> * ipu1_di_clk_x(64.65M)->ipu1_pixel_clk_x(64.65M) */ /* pll2_pfd_352M */ /* disable */ writel(0x1 << 7, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x104); /* divider */ writel(0x3F, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x108); writel(0x15, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x104); /* ldb_dix_clk */ /* source */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CS2CDR); reg &= ~(0x3F << 9); reg |= (0x9 << 9); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CS2CDR); /* divider */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCMR2); reg |= (0x3 << 10); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCMR2); /* pll2_pfd_352M */ /* enable after ldb_dix_clk source is set */ writel(0x1 << 7, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x108); /* ipu1_di_clk_x */ /* source */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CHSCCDR); reg &= ~0xE07; reg |= 0x803; writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CHSCCDR); #elif defined CONFIG_MX6DL /* CONFIG_MX6Q */ /* * IPU1 HSP clock tree: * osc_clk(24M)->pll3_usb_otg_main_clk(480M)-> * pll3_pfd_540M(540M)->ipu1_clk(270M) */ /* pll3_usb_otg_main_clk */ /* divider */ writel(0x3, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x18); /* pll3_pfd_540M */ /* divider */ writel(0x3F << 8, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0xF8); writel(0x10 << 8, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0xF4); /* enable */ writel(0x1 << 15, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0xF8); /* ipu1_clk */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCDR3); /* source */ reg |= (0x3 << 9); /* divider */ reg &= ~(0x7 << 11); reg |= (0x1 << 11); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCDR3); /* * ipu1_pixel_clk_x clock tree: * osc_clk(24M)->pll2_528_bus_main_clk(528M)-> * pll2_pfd_352M(452.57M)->ldb_dix_clk(64.65M)-> * ipu1_di_clk_x(64.65M)->ipu1_pixel_clk_x(64.65M) */ /* pll2_528_bus_main_clk */ /* divider */ writel(0x1, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x34); /* pll2_pfd_352M */ /* disable */ writel(0x1 << 7, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x104); /* divider */ writel(0x3F, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x108); writel(0x15, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x104); /* ldb_dix_clk */ /* source */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CS2CDR); reg &= ~(0x3F << 9); reg |= (0x9 << 9); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CS2CDR); /* divider */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCMR2); reg |= (0x3 << 10); writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CSCMR2); /* pll2_pfd_352M */ /* enable after ldb_dix_clk source is set */ writel(0x1 << 7, ANATOP_BASE_ADDR + 0x108); /* ipu1_di_clk_x */ /* source */ reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CHSCCDR); reg &= ~0xE07; reg |= 0x803; writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CHSCCDR); #endif /* CONFIG_MX6DL */ /* Enable ipu1/ipu1_dix/ldb_dix clocks. */ if (di == 1) { reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CCGR3); reg |= 0xC033; writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CCGR3); } else { reg = readl(CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CCGR3); reg |= 0x300F; writel(reg, CCM_BASE_ADDR + CLKCTL_CCGR3); } /** * zengjf 2015-7-23 modify to 24bit or 16bit * * #define IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR24 fourcc('B', 'G', 'R', '3') /*< 24 BGR-8-8-8 */ * #define IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB24 fourcc('R', 'G', 'B', '3') /*< 24 RGB-8-8-8 */ */ //ret = ipuv3_fb_init(&lvds_xga, di, IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB666, //ret = ipuv3_fb_init(&lvds_xga, di, IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB24, ret = ipuv3_fb_init(&lvds_xga, di, IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB24, ---------+ DI_PCLK_LDB, 65000000); | if (ret) | puts("LCD cannot be configured\n"); | | /* | * LVDS0 mux to IPU1 DI0. | * LVDS1 mux to IPU1 DI1. | */ | reg = readl(IOMUXC_BASE_ADDR + 0xC); | reg &= ~(0x000003C0); | reg |= 0x00000100; | writel(reg, IOMUXC_BASE_ADDR + 0xC); | | if (di == 1) | writel(0x40C, IOMUXC_BASE_ADDR + 0x8); | else | writel(0x201, IOMUXC_BASE_ADDR + 0x8); | } | #endif | | cat drivers/video/mxc_ipuv3_fb.c V int ipuv3_fb_init(struct fb_videomode *mode, int di, int interface_pix_fmt, ipu_di_clk_parent_t di_clk_parent, int di_clk_val) | { | int ret; | | ret = ipu_probe(di, di_clk_parent, di_clk_val); | if (ret) | puts("Error initializing IPU\n"); | | debug("Framebuffer at 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)lcd_base); | ret = mxcfb_probe(interface_pix_fmt, mode, di); | | | return ret; | | } +-------------------------------+ | cat drivers/video/mxc_ipuv3_fb.c v static int mxcfb_probe(u32 interface_pix_fmt, struct fb_videomode *mode, int di) { | struct fb_info *fbi; | struct mxcfb_info *mxcfbi; | int ret = 0; | +----------------------------------+ /* | * Initialize FB structures | */ | fbi = mxcfb_init_fbinfo(); | if (!fbi) { | ret = -ENOMEM; | goto err0; | } | mxcfbi = (struct mxcfb_info *)fbi->par; | | if (!g_dp_in_use) { | mxcfbi->ipu_ch = MEM_BG_SYNC; | mxcfbi->blank = FB_BLANK_UNBLANK; | } else { | mxcfbi->ipu_ch = MEM_DC_SYNC; | mxcfbi->blank = FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN; | } | | mxcfbi->ipu_di = di; | | ipu_disp_set_global_alpha(mxcfbi->ipu_ch, 1, 0x80); | ipu_disp_set_color_key(mxcfbi->ipu_ch, 0, 0); | strcpy(fbi->fix.id, "DISP3 BG"); | | g_dp_in_use = 1; | | mxcfb_info[mxcfbi->ipu_di] = fbi; | | /* Need dummy values until real panel is configured */ | fbi->var.xres = 640; | fbi->var.yres = 480; | /** | * zengjf 2015-8-23 modify to 24bit display, it can't work well | */ | fbi->var.bits_per_pixel = 16; | //fbi->var.bits_per_pixel = 24; | | mxcfbi->ipu_di_pix_fmt = interface_pix_fmt; <----------------------+ fb_videomode_to_var(&fbi->var, mode); mxcfb_check_var(&fbi->var, fbi); /* Default Y virtual size is 2x panel size */ fbi->var.yres_virtual = fbi->var.yres * 2; mxcfb_set_fix(fbi); /* alocate fb first */ if (mxcfb_map_video_memory(fbi) < 0) return -ENOMEM; mxcfb_set_par(fbi); -------------------------------------+ | /* Setting panel_info for lcd */ | panel_info.vl_col = fbi->var.xres; | panel_info.vl_row = fbi->var.yres; | panel_info.vl_bpix = LCD_BPP; // this same can't wake well ---------+ | | | lcd_line_length = (panel_info.vl_col * NBITS(panel_info.vl_bpix)) / 8; | | | | debug("MXC IPUV3 configured\n" | | "XRES = %d YRES = %d BitsXpixel = %d\n", | | panel_info.vl_col, | | panel_info.vl_row, | | panel_info.vl_bpix); | | | | ipu_dump_registers(); | | | | return 0; | | | | err0: | | return ret; | | } | | | | cat include/configs/mx6dl_sabresd.h | | #define LCD_BPP LCD_COLOR16 <------------------------------+ | | | cat include/lcd.h | | #define LCD_MONOCHROME 0 +----------+ | #define LCD_COLOR2 1 | | #define LCD_COLOR4 2 | | #define LCD_COLOR8 3 | | #define LCD_COLOR16 4 <----------+ | | cat drivers/video/mxc_ipuv3_fb.c | static int mxcfb_set_par(struct fb_info *fbi) <----------------------+ { int retval = 0; u32 mem_len; ipu_di_signal_cfg_t sig_cfg; struct mxcfb_info *mxc_fbi = (struct mxcfb_info *)fbi->par; uint32_t out_pixel_fmt; ipu_disable_channel(mxc_fbi->ipu_ch); ipu_uninit_channel(mxc_fbi->ipu_ch); mxcfb_set_fix(fbi); mem_len = fbi->var.yres_virtual * fbi->fix.line_length; if (!fbi->fix.smem_start || (mem_len > fbi->fix.smem_len)) { if (fbi->fix.smem_start) mxcfb_unmap_video_memory(fbi); if (mxcfb_map_video_memory(fbi) < 0) return -ENOMEM; } setup_disp_channel1(fbi); memset(&sig_cfg, 0, sizeof(sig_cfg)); if (fbi->var.vmode & FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) { sig_cfg.interlaced = 1; out_pixel_fmt = IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV444; } else { if (mxc_fbi->ipu_di_pix_fmt) { out_pixel_fmt = mxc_fbi->ipu_di_pix_fmt; debug(" zengjf1 %d. \n", out_pixel_fmt); } else { out_pixel_fmt = IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB666; debug(" zengjf2 %d. \n", out_pixel_fmt); } } if (fbi->var.vmode & FB_VMODE_ODD_FLD_FIRST) /* PAL */ sig_cfg.odd_field_first = 1; if ((fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_EXT) || ext_clk_used) sig_cfg.ext_clk = 1; if (fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT) sig_cfg.Hsync_pol = 1; if (fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT) sig_cfg.Vsync_pol = 1; if (!(fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_CLK_LAT_FALL)) sig_cfg.clk_pol = 1; if (fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_DATA_INVERT) sig_cfg.data_pol = 1; if (!(fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_OE_LOW_ACT)) sig_cfg.enable_pol = 1; if (fbi->var.sync & FB_SYNC_CLK_IDLE_EN) sig_cfg.clkidle_en = 1; debug("zengjf pixclock = %d \n", fbi->var.pixclock); debug("pixclock = %ul Hz\n", (u32) (PICOS2KHZ(fbi->var.pixclock) * 1000UL)); debug("bpp_to_pixfmt: %d\n", fbi->var.bits_per_pixel); if (ipu_init_sync_panel(mxc_fbi->ipu_di, (PICOS2KHZ(fbi->var.pixclock)) * 1000UL, fbi->var.xres, fbi->var.yres, out_pixel_fmt, fbi->var.left_margin, fbi->var.hsync_len, fbi->var.right_margin, fbi->var.upper_margin, fbi->var.vsync_len, fbi->var.lower_margin, 0, sig_cfg) != 0) { puts("mxcfb: Error initializing panel.\n"); return -EINVAL; } retval = setup_disp_channel2(fbi); --------------------+ if (retval) | return retval; | | if (mxc_fbi->blank == FB_BLANK_UNBLANK) | ipu_enable_channel(mxc_fbi->ipu_ch); | | return retval; | } | | cat drivers/video/mxc_ipuv3_fb.c | static int setup_disp_channel2(struct fb_info *fbi) <----------+ { int retval = 0; struct mxcfb_info *mxc_fbi = (struct mxcfb_info *)fbi->par; mxc_fbi->cur_ipu_buf = 1; if (mxc_fbi->alpha_chan_en) mxc_fbi->cur_ipu_alpha_buf = 1; fbi->var.xoffset = fbi->var.yoffset = 0; debug("%s: ipu_ch{%x} xres{%d} yres{%d} line_length{%d} smem_start{%lx} smem_end{%lx}\n", __func__, mxc_fbi->ipu_ch, fbi->var.xres, fbi->var.yres, fbi->fix.line_length, fbi->fix.smem_start, fbi->fix.smem_start + (fbi->fix.line_length * fbi->var.yres)); retval = ipu_init_channel_buffer(mxc_fbi->ipu_ch, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, bpp_to_pixfmt(fbi), --------------------+ fbi->var.xres, fbi->var.yres, | fbi->fix.line_length, | fbi->fix.smem_start + | (fbi->fix.line_length * fbi->var.yres), | fbi->fix.smem_start, | 0, 0); | if (retval) | printf("ipu_init_channel_buffer error %d\n", retval); | | return retval; | } | | cat drivers/video/mxc_ipuv3_fb.c | static uint32_t bpp_to_pixfmt(struct fb_info *fbi) <-------------------+ { uint32_t pixfmt = 0; debug("bpp_to_pixfmt: %d\n", fbi->var.bits_per_pixel); if (fbi->var.nonstd) return fbi->var.nonstd; switch (fbi->var.bits_per_pixel) { case 24: pixfmt = IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR24; break; case 32: pixfmt = IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR32; break; case 16: pixfmt = IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB565; break; } return pixfmt; }



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